About us

The name Portolan comes from the Portolan atlases that sailors used to navigate their ships in the 14th century. This enabled them to reach their destination faster and more safely and to stand out from the competition.

This is exactly what we want to achieve today and navigate you through the sea of numbers in accounting.

Our Team

As a family business, we all treat each other warmly as a team and stick together.

Our mission: to develop the best accounting software for our customers.
That’s why we are constantly developing our software. In doing so, we take it – typically Swabian – very seriously. All add-ons are put through their paces to ensure that everything runs smoothly for you in the end. Personal contact with our customers is particularly important to us. That is why we are always happy to advise you on all your questions.

Joachim Nürk has been developing software for the IBM i since 1990. What started as a controlling solution for “SSA Global Technologies” is now one of the leading financial solutions on IBM i. During his career, Joachim Nürk has managed numerous international projects. To this day, he is a driving force behind product improvements.

Founder and Managing Director

The HR department is always on the lookout for new talent to strengthen our team. Elke Nürk also takes care of all administrative matters at Portolan with great skill.

HR & Organization

Building modern software is only possible with modern programming concepts and web technologies. Our development team therefore keeps up to date with new technologies and checks whether they can be used to improve EVM.
Each team member has a different development focus. Together with our partners, this enables us to optimally support and further develop all EVM modules.


Software is never fully developed, as new requirements and ideas are constantly emerging. Henning Fröschle is where all the strands come together. Together with the development team, he plans the product roadmap for NOW EVM.


This is where the creative pulse of Portolan beats. Jessica Kreuzmann markets our products with fresh ideas. She is also constantly on the lookout for new opportunities and potential to further develop Portolan.

Marketing & Business Development

Alexander Nürk is the man for IT and data protection at Portolan. With a sound understanding of technology, he manages servers and data and efficiently ensures the security of our systems.

IT & Data Protection

Our partners

Start your career with Portolan

What sets us apart:

Employee benefits

Offene Stellen:

PORTOLAN Commerce Solutions GmbH gehört zu den führenden Anbietern betriebswirtschaftlicher Softwarelösungen für den Mittelstand. Unsere Kunden sind Unternehmen aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen, die weltweit auf unsere Kompetenzen setzen.

Das erwartet dich:

  • Deine Ausbildung startet am 1. September 2024.
  • Du entwickelst aktiv in unseren Anwendungssystemen mit.
  • Neben den technischen Lösungen beschäftigst du dich auch mit den betriebswirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen.
  • Programmierung in unterschiedlichen Programmiersprachen.

Das solltest du mitbringen:

  • Du hast eine abgeschlossene Fachhochschulreife, eine gute mittlere Reife oder stehst kurz vor deinem Abschluss.
  • Du bist gut organisiert und unterstützt andere Menschen gerne bei ihren Aufgaben.
  • Du kannst gut kommunizieren und arbeitest gerne im Team.
  • Du hast gute Englischkenntnisse.
  • Du hast Spaß in Schulfächern wie Mathematik und Informatik.

Das bieten wir:

  • Abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben in einem internationalen Umfeld.
  • Weiterentwicklung deiner persönlichen Kompetenzen und Know-how.
  • Familiäres Arbeitsklima mit netten Kollegen und gemeinsamen Firmenfeiern.
  • Moderne und gut ausgestattete Arbeitsplätze in einem klimatisierten Büro.
  • und noch vieles mehr: 30 Tage Urlaub, Weiterbildungen, kostenloses Obst, Getränke-Flat.

Interesse geweckt? Dann bewirb dich jetzt. Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung.
Kontakt: Alexander Nürk
Telefon: +49 7131-2772-0
[email protected]

how we work:
